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Key Entering Card Details and Mail Order Transactions

You may need to key enter a customers card details if their card is faulty or if you are entering a mail order transaction where the customer is not present.

A. Mail Order Transactions:

Begin at Step 1: if you are performing a Mail Order Transaction

B. Card Read Failure or Key Card Number:

Begin at Step 2 if: You have swiped a customer’s card at the READY prompt and the terminal displays ‘CARD READ FAILURE’


If you have selected the Sale option from the Transaction menu and unsuccessfully swiped the card three times, and the terminal displays ‘Key in Card Number.’

1. At the READY prompt press the MENU button. Use the 'down arrow' key to view the available options and press the GREEN button when the required option is highlighted.

2. Key in the amount of the transaction and then press the GREEN button, or key enter the customer’s card number when you see this prompt. The card number will be displayed as it is keyed in.

3. The terminal will check the card number. Key in the card expiry date and press the GREEN button.

4. You may be asked to enter the start date or issue number from the card. Enter them as they appear on the card and press the GREEN button.

5. If the customer is present, press the GREEN button. If this is a mail order transaction, press the YELLOW button and proceed from step 9 below.

6. If not entered earlier in the process, key in the amount

of the transaction and press the GREEN button. The terminal will now dial for authorisation. The authorisation code will be displayed. Press the GREEN button.

7. A receipt will now be printed. Obtain the customer’s signature. If the signature is OK, press the GREEN button. If it is not, press the YELLOW button and the transaction will be voided.

8. The signed receipt should be kept for your records.

The terminal will now print a receipt for the customer. Pass the receipt to the customer and the transaction is complete.

9. If this is a mail order transaction, the YELLOW button will be pressed when asked if the customer is present. If not entered earlier in the process, key in the amount of the transaction and press the GREEN button.


If you see this prompt, key in the 3 digit security code, which can be found on the signature strip on the back of the customer’s card. Now press the GREEN button.

NOTE: The security code for American Express cards is a four digit code and can be found on the front of the card. Your terminal may then prompt you to do the following:

  • Enter the numeric digits from the customer’s Post Code, (i.e EH11 9YE would be entered 119) and then press the GREEN button.
  • Enter the customer’s house number, ( i.e Flat 5, 29 High Street would be entered 529) and then press the GREEN button.
10. The terminal will now dial out for authorisation and the authorisation code will be displayed. Press the GREEN button.

The terminal will display the results of the address check and the result will be printed on the merchant receipt.

The ‘security message’ will advise the response for any information entered at the Security Code, Address and Post Code prompts.

Message Text

All Matched:
SEC Code Match Only:
Address Match Only:
No Data Matches:
Data Not Checked:


All Data Entered is Correct
Only the Security Code is Correct
Only the Address is Correct
None of the Data Entered is Correct
The Data Has Not Been Checked
11. To accept the transaction press the GREEN button and a customer receipt will be printed. Press the GREEN button again and this will print a copy of the receipt for your records.

To decline the transaction press the YELLOW button and a void receipt will be printed for the customer. Press the GREEN button again and a void receipt will be printed for your records.

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